Sarah Cotton Bostock


I'm fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK

Bowel Cancer UK is the UK's leading bowel cancer charity and we're determined to save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer.

I’m diving into Swim15 this August and raising money to help save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer. The money I raise will help to provide support and information to patients and their families, fund and support research into bowel cancer and support campaigns for early diagnosis and best treatment and care for all. 

Bowel cancer is the UK's second biggest cancer killer with more than 16,500 people dying annually of a disease that is preventable, treatable and curable.

My achievements

Profile picture added

First donation

Self donated

25% target

50% target

Hit target

My updates

I did it!

Saturday 31st Aug
I left myself a massive 2050 to swim today but after a very disturbed night I got in Bude Sea Pool this morning and swam 23 lengths - 2070m to complete the challenge 🥳🏊🏼‍♀️. Thank you so much for everyone’s support ❤️🙏

Another 12x90m…

Thursday 29th Aug
Back at Bude sea pool this morning for another 11 lengths of the 90m pool! Just 2050m to go! Xx

Back on it at Bude Sea Pool - 1.62k swam

Wednesday 28th Aug
A funny amount because a length of Bude sea pool is 90m and I did 18 lengths… but with a firm deadline on the very near horizon I needed to get my swim on today!!! I make that now 3130m to go! I think I’ve got this… 🤪 xxx

Praa Sands swim

Sunday 18th Aug
Hello! I’ve been away! I’m still away - but have finally managed to get some swimming in… before I left home I only had 5k left to swim - the challenge for the rest of the month is squeezing in opportunities to swim! Today I swam for 20mins in the sea. It’s impossible to say how far I really swam but I think a conservative estimate is about 250meters. So! Just 4.75k to go! 🥰🩵

Didn’t get up early enough 🙈

Friday 9th Aug
Ran out of time to do the full 1.5k today. So another 1k plus 1.5k yesterday takes me to 10k swum (😯) and 5k left! We go away on holiday (not to a hotel with a pool… 👀) so clinching that last 5k might be quite difficult! But I’ll keep you posted 🤗

Half way point! 🥳

Wednesday 7th Aug
I REALLY didn’t feel like it today… it’s such an arse actually making it to the swimming pool early in the morning 😂. But on the upside I did it! And not that it’s about time, but I’m amazed at how quickly I can bosh out 60 lengths now. Think I need to make the leap to 80 tomorrow… watch this space! Xxx

1.5k again… 6 down!

Tuesday 6th Aug
9 to go…

Tough this am…

Monday 5th Aug
Another 1.5k (think I’m getting a bit quicker but it’s a humble dose of reality watching the Olympics 😂). The left side of my neck is quite painful though, so off to ice that. It felt like a bit of a slog today (could have had something to do with the wine yesterday 👀🤪). But onwards! Just 10.5k left 🥳

Swim 2 in the bag

Sunday 4th Aug
7am on a Sunday - got it done! Another 1.5k (60 lengths) so now done 3k in total - just another 12k to go! 🤪☀️

1.5k down

Friday 2nd Aug
Swim one done! Early one at Hartham - 60 lengths. Did not feel like an Olympian 😂🤪.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jane Cotton

An excellent cause. Proud mum x


Gill Bostock

Good luck Sarah go go go


Frances, Kev, Austin And Nellie

Well done Sarah, great cause! Xx


Dominic Bostock

Amazing, go Sarah!!! D+L xx


Alex Wall

Good luck Sar! X


Rachel And Andrew

Well done Sarah, you superstar 🌟



Sar, you are a super star! Good luck xx


Laura Welch

You absolute hero xx


Lynsey Greggain-smith

You are awesome Sarah!! You go girl! Xx 😘


Rosie Seymour

Well done Sarah!! ❤️


Harry Richards

Way to go Sarah! Send my love to Si!


The Eyres Xxx

Good luck my love! You'll smash it, easy breezy 😀



Great cause! You can do it!


Rosie Wright

Go Sarah. You rock!


Sarah Cotton Bostock


Anna Smith

We’ll done Sarah, great cause and one that’s sadly impacted our own family xxx


Georgie Rutter

Great cause, you’re gonna smash it!


Sally Haylock

Go girl love Sal x


Kirsty Mauro

Well done Sarah, a cause close to my heart xxx


Lisa Birse

You are amazing! Good luck with all the training x


Laura Gibson

Well done, Sare - great cause and am sure you’ll smash it x


Rachel Hart

Well done Sarah, you're amazing!! From The Harts x


Chloe Gazzard

Good luck Sarah!! I’m sure you’ll smash it xx


Laura Brighton

Amazing 🤩 Good luck!


Lucy Ballard

Amazing effort Sarah - well done you - sorry I’m so late with my donation xx


Ellen Clemo

I have no doubt you will smash it! Good luck xxxx