Julie Barry


My Activity Tracking


I'm fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK

Bowel Cancer UK is the UK's leading bowel cancer charity and we're determined to save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer.

I’m diving into Swim15 this August and raising money to help save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer.

My mum was treated for bowel cancer during COVID and is now clear, all thanks to bowel cancer being treatable if caught early.

 The money I raise will help to provide support and information to patients and their families, fund and support research into bowel cancer and support campaigns for early diagnosis and best treatment and care for all. 

Bowel cancer is the UK's second biggest cancer killer with more than 16,500 people dying annually of a disease that is preventable, treatable and curable.

My achievements

Profile picture added

First donation

Self donated

25% target

50% target

Hit target

My updates

Swim15 update

Monday 19th Aug
Slow progress due to stuff going on that's restricted time for swims but 4300m swum to date 😊 Thank you so much for all the donations received so far. Life is getting back to normal so will catch up 🏊

1st swim completed

Saturday 3rd Aug
1st swim delayed due to COVID so did 50 instead of 40 lengths today 😊

Thank you to my Sponsors


Wendy Wills

Go for it Julie!! I believe in you xx


Sarah Alderson

Good luck Julie 💛


Anne Mccaig


Ali And Clare

Go girl Love Ali and Clare Xxx


Wendy H

You go girl!


Shane Swain

Good luck!


Kathryn Moore


Deborah Harouma

Good luck! Xx


Julie Barry



Good luck Julie, I'll do it with you up here x


Kerry Lee

Fantastic cause 😊


Sharon Acaster

Great cause! Good luck Julie xx


Lara Hopkinson

Good luck Julie! 🌈🥷🏃‍♀️


Ali Bourne


Brenda Vanner

Good luck Julie xx


Linda B (rnr)

Go smash it💪🏼 I’m cheering for you xx


Susan R

You’ll smash this !



Good luck. Great cause


Sarah Fisher