Hannah Bailey


My Activity Tracking


I'm fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK

In 2015 my mum was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer. I am sure like most families, to be told your Mum/parent/loved one has cancer, completely crushes your world, as it did mine! My Mum is the glue that holds our family together and to be told to ‘prepare for the worst’ by doctors, meant potentially our Mum wouldn’t be here for much longer to be that glue. Mum went through copious amounts of appointments with doctors, consultants, tests, procedures, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery (twice!) and lost her hair during the process. She remained the fun, outgoing, cheery self, entertaining us all throughout the years all while going through the pain, tiredness, loss of feeling in her hands and toes, which still affects her to this day. Seeing your Mum go through all of that was horrible for us all, but she never let it defeat her, she stayed strong and fought it and in 2017 was told she was in remission. The year my daughter was born. Amazing news, we could all breathe a sigh of relief, but for Mum she then had the constant fear that it would come back! For years afterwards I wasn’t able to say the word Cancer without it triggering me mentally and emotionally. This changed in 2023, when I read a book ‘the ladies cancer running club’ by Josie Lloyd. Initially I only got the book as I was on Holiday and was running out of a read, and had started running more seriously so thought it would be a good read, but it helped me overcome the word Cancer and I’m now able to say it more freely without it putting me back in my Mum and Dads Kitchen in 2015 and being told she had cancer.

Fast forward to the end of 2023 and I myself started to get symptoms similar to what Mum had experienced at the early stages. I tried to do everything I could to get rid of them but nothing was helping. I spoke to a doctor about it who did some checks and was confident nothing was wrong and it would go away. It didn’t! My Mum decided to book me in with a private consultant in 2024 who did further tests and nothing was showing but he couldn’t be sure without a Colonoscopy. My symptoms started to fade and I put it to the back of my mind, until a few months later when different symptoms started to appear so again I spoke to a doctor, this time, she booked me in for blood tests, urine and stool samples. After they lost them a few times and the Lab requested more, oh and me passing out a few times as I don’t like blood test!, the results come back that I had Blood in my Stool samples and the dreaded words came ‘I am going to refer you to the Cancer Department’. First thing I did was call my Mum (who was out having lunch with a friend at the time!), and told her what they said. I broke down in tears and she came over straight away. All I could think of at the time is id rather it be me than anyone else in my family, including my 7 year old daughter. I put on a brave face for the 1/2 weeks leading up to my pre assessment appointment and tried to think positively… surely, if It was cancer, id be dead by now… my Mum got through it so will I…. its just constipation, stop being dramatic!!

The day came of my Pre Assessment and id be lying if I wasn’t nervous. I stayed very quiet and let the nurse tell me all about what was going to happen. She gave me a brown package which contained solution and instructions ready for my Colonoscopy. I had to eat certain foods for a few days, then it was booked in! Wednesday 1st May at 09:00am. Mum drove me in, we sat giggling and talking about what was going to happen and how it will all be over soon and everything was going to be fine. My name was called and in I went alone, had a canular ready for the sedation and got into my hospital gown. Around 30 minutes later, which felt like days, my name was called and off I trotted for my Colonoscopy. I was in a lot of pain during the procedure and the sedation didn’t work on me so had to have gas and air too. After the procedure had finished, I remember looking up at the Doctor, and said ‘is it cancer’, he replied No and I fell into a deep sleep. It was like relief had taken over my body and said rest now. I came around as I went onto the ward to recover, was given water and had to wait around a little as my blood pressure had dropped (told you, stop being dramatic, it was all going to be fine!) but was eventually let out to my Mum who was waiting where we had been giggling earlier on, she stood straight up, I don’t know what she was thinking but as we was walking out I said, there’s no cancer she let out a sigh of relief.

My body is still not 100% and I still struggle with my gut, but I am on the mend, making progress and most of all, it’s not Cancer! I have recently starting swimming after a back injury (always something going on!) and thought what a great way to challenge and push myself and to raise money for all those patients who are having Symptoms, being told they might or do have cancer, going through treatments, for those we lost along the way. Please donate as much or as little as you can, not for me, not for my Mum but for them!

My achievements

Profile picture added

First donation

Self donated

25% target

50% target

Hit target

My updates

Last Day of Swim15 Challenge

Saturday 31st Aug
The final day has finally come, the last swim of August to finish off my 24,000 meter swim! 
Less than 1,800 meters left and I smash them out! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated  and supported me with messages & good lucks! None of it has gone unnoticed and I truly appreciate it all. 🩵💙

Last few meters ….

Thursday 29th Aug
So so close now! 🥳
1,773 Meters left which I plan to get done on Saturday 31st…. The last day of August. 
You can check my Strava for my meter by day updates. 

Nearly at the finish line

Tuesday 27th Aug
5,790 Meters left! 4 days of August left and only 3 days I’m able to get the challenge done! This week has been a struggle! My back went again the Bank Holiday weekend and I was wondering if I would be able to carry on but after a few days resting my back is feeling better and I am able to move! Digging deep and getting this done 👍🏼

Day 6 update

Saturday 10th Aug
I’ve swam a total of 7,500 meters (7.5k) this week, I was due to swim another 1.5k this morning, however I’m taking a rest day. 

My stomach has been playing up a little this week. Yesterday I felt really sick, and I’ve not been able to go to the toilet ‘properly’ for a few days, so I am currently sat in bed at 6.30am drinking Laxido before my day starts at 9.

I am so grateful that my results was positive and I was given the all clear, however I am still waiting for my biopsy results from my consultant and I have been referred to George Elliot to see a nutritionist due to my on going symptoms! Some days are good days, some days are really shit (pardon the pun) and so frustrating and gets me very down but the support I’ve had from family & friends get me through 💪🏼 

Thank you so so much to everyone who has donated this week, it hasn’t gone unnoticed and it’s very much appreciated! It’s really encouraged me to keep going when I’m been tired, when my legs have ached, when my hair has taken a beating by getting washed daily, when I’ve had to put another wash on to get my costume ready for the next morning, when the slow coaches get in my lane and slow me down and when all the kids accidenly launch balls in my direction in the pool 😵‍💫 

Day 3

Wednesday 7th Aug
Total distance is at 4,545 meters. 

Feeling good. Feeling a bit tired. Fed up of everyone coming into my lane while they can see me swimming, my feet are a little ache but other than that ready for Day4! 🏊‍♀️ 

Official Day 1

Monday 5th Aug
Today marked day 1 of the challenge ! 

I was excited to get back in the pool, especially now I have my new headphones, courtesy of Mum & Dad, to swim with 🎧 

I’ve decided to make my challenge even more so harder and now do 24k instead of 15! 24 months for the 2 years my Mum had cancer / treatment. 

This evening I completed 1.5k 🏆 🏊‍♀️ 

Day 1 of the official training …

Monday 22nd Jul
Morning all
So today I managed to do a 1k swim (66 lengths) and it felt good, wasn’t too tiring. Pace is decent and my speed was quick (27 minutes) so very pleased with my first session! Follow me on Strava for updates! 🙃

Trial Swim!

Friday 19th Jul
This evening I managed to do 70 Lengths of 15 Meter pool … 1050m! Very pleased with that, especially after a Spin class! Felt it in my arms afterwards. My watch diet as I was on my 20th Length 😞 might have to invest in a Garmin watch, I’ve heard good things. I have a swim session in the morning where I’m hoping to do another 70 Lengths, and record it on my Apple Watch! ⌚️ 


Thursday 18th Jul
Thanks for visiting my page!
My challenge starts on 5th August when I am home from my summer holiday to celebrate my 32nd Birthday. 
I’ve been swimming recently and have been doing around 930 meters, so doing 1K is going to be a challenge in itself for me! But I’m hoping that with the next couple of weeks, before I start, I can get some training in to help! 
Any tips & hints most definitely appreciated. 
Thank you for your support & donations 💙
Hanny x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Callum Porter


Stewart Mcrae

Good luck, great effort for a good cause.


Christopher Bailey


Rob Cartwright

Don't forget to wear your special watch :) and good luck!


Matthew Pickard


Lisa Martin

Keep going Hannah ! X


Barry / Lynne Bailey

If anybody can do it HANNA can do it


Ross Panton

Amazing cause, big challenge but you’ll smash it x


Esther Harries


Nigel Jones

Well done!


James Scott

Well done Hannah!


Jen Davies

Fantastic cause, well done Hannah! xx



Well done Hannah, all the best with your challenge. You'll smash it! You go girl!


Wendy & Mark


George Sylvester


James Thompson


Rachel Whelton

An amazing thing you are doing Hannah! ♥️ xxx


Charlotte Knight

Go on girllllllll


Sarah Merricks

You go girl x


Adam Casey


Darryl Dyson

Good Luck!


Sarah B

Just keep swimming 🐟🐟🐟🐟 Great cause! Smash is Span xx


Beckie P

Good luck Han. X


June Bailey

Good luck hannah

