Sheila Overton

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I'm fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK

I’m taking part in ActiveApril for Bowel Cancer UK and raising money to help save lives as you all know in 2017 Den my husband and Lucy my daughter both lost their fight to Bowel cancer so I’m doing this not only in memory of them but also no other wife and mother has to go through the pain of seeing their husband or child lose the fight. This will also be hard for me as I also have health worries and stupid knees that like to give up but hey Ho onwards and upwards we go 

The money I raise will help to provide support and information to patients and their families, fund and support research into bowel cancer and support campaigns for early diagnosis and best treatment and care for all.

I’m going to be getting active every day in April, please support me and donate today.

My achievements

Profile picture added

Self donated

First donation

25% target

50% target

Hit target

Challenge completed