This spring, we want you to join ActiveApril   

It's simple. Do something active every day in April and raise money to support people affected by bowel cancer. Whether you challenge yourself to reach a fitness goal or get active in your own way, every movement in ActiveApril brings us closer to a future where nobody dies of the disease. 

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today. You'll receive your exclusive ActiveApril t-shirt and wrist sweatband when you raise £10. 

Entry: Free
Minimum sponsorship: £125

Sign up


Sign up for free and choose how you're going to get active every day this April. As a thank you, we’ll send you an exclusive ActiveApril t-shirt and wrist sweatband when your raise your first £10. 

When and where?

Complete your activity every day of April from wherever you are. There's no set amount of time you need to be active for each day. 


Move for a cause. By challenging yourself to be active every day and fundraising for us this April, you'll be making a difference to the lives of around 268,000 people living with bowel cancer in the UK today. 



Amount Raised




Number of Teams