Marek Wos

Walkies Together

My Activity Tracking


My target 43 mi

I’m fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK

Dear friends,

I’m taking part in Walkies Together this September to raise funds and help save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer. Please support me and my fundraising.

Bowel cancer is the UK's second biggest cancer killer with more than 16,500 people dying annually of a disease that is preventable, treatable and curable.

The funds I raise will help to provide support and information to patients and their families, fund and support research into bowel cancer and support campaigns for early diagnosis and best treatment and care for all. 

My achievements

Profile picture added

First donation

Self donated

25% target

50% target

Hit target

Challenge completed

My updates

Evening walkies...

Tuesday 17th Sep
There is nothing like an evening Walkies Together when you get to look at the supermoon. Ps. I am really impressed what a cool photo can a smartphone camera take these days.

Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E5

Monday 16th Sep
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A second symptom video with, you guessed it, Koko starring and me talking about a second symptom.

Remeber to listen what your body is trying to tell you!

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E5<a/><u/></b><br>


Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E4

Friday 13th Sep
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Hey! Ho! Let's go!

So, the first video about spotting the symptoms.
Remeber to listen what your body is trying to tell you!
Happy watching.

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E4</a></u></b><br>


The only way is up after the day starting like this...🤦🏻

Friday 13th Sep
This is what I got into my porridge thinking it was ground cinnamon... The moral of the day... read the label in full! Ps. I hate wasting food. After adding apple marmalade and lots of rasins I ate it. But I don't think I will be repeating, nor recommending my recipe...🤣

Walkies together with Marek and Koko Special

Thursday 12th Sep
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A special edition episode of Wakies together featuring a special guest.

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 Special1</a></u></b><br>


Why so dramatic?! 😍

Thursday 12th Sep
To everyone who missed today's sunset. ps. Thank you all for your donations!

Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1E3

Thursday 12th Sep
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I know I promised to cover the symptoms but, as per usual, I got a little bit ahead of myself...

Thought it might be more appropriate to and some more context to it first.
But have no fear. They are coming shortly...Those that know me well know I always keep my promises.

Happy watching.

ps. Hopefully this is the last episode split into two links following my discovery mentioned few days ago.

>Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E3.1

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E3.2</a></u></b><br>


OMG! Thank you All!

Thursday 12th Sep

I really did not expect that. I am overwhelmed with your generosity and hitting over £100 in donations. Koko, I and whole Bowel Cancer community really appreciate every single penny. You're getting us closer to the moment, when a bowel cancer is 100% curable. 

I decided to raise the target to £250.
This way everyone visiting the page will know that the fundraising is still happening. 

Once again from the bottom of my heart - a massive THANK YOU!

Apologies evening...

Wednesday 11th Sep
So I was playing with the coding - tried to make the posts look neater. I failed terribly... It now needs someone who actually knows what they are doing 😅 sorry Dan...😇
But, I managed to record few more videos. So they are ready in the pipeline - as soon as we (Dan - pretty please 😅) fix those bugs...

Oh, and I discovered, that the streaming platform, that I had a little rant in my previous post, actually allows you to post longer videos...🤦🏻😅 So apologies to you too guys... you're OK.

And finally, an advance apologies to you all, who will be watching them - you're potentially going to see me talking for a bit longer than a minute now! (Yay... - said the audience). 

OK, no more apologies. Time to sleep. 

Check it out!

Wednesday 11th Sep
Check out this view 😍, and your morning 💩 too.

Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E2

Tuesday 10th Sep

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Hi all,

Welcome to another episode Walkies together with Marek and Koko.

In this epizode you can find some info on really shocking stats info.

Please donate to help knock off the bowel cancer from the shameful 2nd place as the most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Thank you in advance.

ps. I have just learned, that certain streaming platform only allows 60 sec videos for free, hece you are up for a treat - a double whammy episode, if I manage with the coding to add two links LOL

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E2.1

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E2.2


Walkies Together with Marek and Koko S1E1

Tuesday 10th Sep
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<p>Hello Dear Friends, Colleagues and Total Strangers who are visiting this page.</p>

Welcome to Walkies together with Marek and Koko.

Koko and I are rasing funds to support Bowel Cancer UK charity.

Some of you may know, that this cause is close to the bottom of my bottom, following stage 2b diagnosis and tumor removal op in May 2023.
I consider myself very lucky, that my case ended up with fitted stoma, and I feel really privileged to be here and be able to raise money and awareness.
Sadly, many others weren't that fortunate...

That's why we need to flip the stats to save lives! It's absolutely doable if you know what to look for.

Therefore, I hope to share with you few posts and videos throughout September. I have never ever done anything like this so apologies in advance...
Hopefully, you will take away something from my input, that will save someone's life.

Happy watching! And PLEASE donate generously, but only if you can afford it. Thank you all!

ps.1 Dan, than you for making it possible to add working links to my posts.
ps.2 Please ignore my unsuccessful post attempts below. Sadly the page doesn't offer me an option to remove them.

<b><u><a href="">Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1 E1 </a></u></b><br>

Walkies together with Marek and Koko S1E1

Monday 9th Sep


Monday 9th Sep

Thank you to my Sponsors


The Booths

Enjoy you walkies for a very worthy cause


Clare B

Looking forward to the updates :) Hope u her lots of engagement and donations!


Mark Whatton

Good luck!


Susan Cullen

Good luck Marek, well done!


Baljit Bagdi

Great cause and updates. Thank you for making the world a better place.


Donna Phillimore

Great 👍🐕🐾


Dan Bock




Melissa Adams

£10 for you Marek and Koko! You go Marek and Koko.


Bryn Anderson

Such a worthy cause Marek, wish you all the best!


Leigh O'connor


Lindsay Millward

Great cause Marek! Hope you smash your target!!


Andrea Cairns

You are a superstar, I hope you raise a fortune!


Andy Morton

Go well Marek!


Becky Mugridge

Walkies Together with Koko