Declan Bryan


I'm fundraising for Bowel Cancer!!

I'm swimming 15Km (600 lengths) through the month of August to help raise money and awareness for Bowel Cancer UK! 
This is an extremely important charity to me as like most people, I have seen the effects cancer can have as well as the long lasting changes it brings with it.
Please feel free to donate! Hopefully, one day, the world will be cancer free!

My achievements

Profile picture added

First donation

Self donated

25% target

50% target

Hit target

My updates

Challenge Completed

Friday 30th Aug
All 600 lengths completed!!!

Final swimming Count below, thank you all for the support!!! ❤️❤️

Swimming Count
Friday 2nd August - 60 Lengths (60)
Saturday 3rd August - 40 Lengths (100)
Wednesday 7th August - 55 Lengths (155)
Friday 9th August - 60 Lengths (215)
Tuesday 13th August - 30 Lengths (245)
Friday 16th August - 65 Lengths (310)
Saturday 17th August - 40 Lengths (350)
Tuesday 20th August - 36 Lengths (386)
Friday 23rd August - 62 Lenghts (448)
Saturday 24th August - 52 Lengths (500)
Tuesday 27th August - 42 Lengths (542)
Wednesday 28th August - 58 lengths (600)

Challenge Update

Tuesday 20th Aug
Tuesday 13th August - 30 Lengths (245)
Friday 16th August - 65 Lengths (310)
Saturday 17th August - 40 Lengths (350)
Tuesday 20th August - 36 Lengths (386)

Only 214 left!!!

Challenge Update

Friday 9th Aug
Another 60 lengths completed!

215/600 Completed
385 Remaining 

Challenge Update

Wednesday 7th Aug
Progress during the first full week of August:

2nd August - 60 Lengths 
3rd August - 40 Lengths 
7th August- 55 Lengths 

A total of 155 out of 600 lengths! 
Only 445 left to go! 

Thank you all for sponsoring me, it really does mean a lot 😃

#Justkeepswimming 🐟

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marie Franklin

Good luck Declan


Darcie Hunt

Good luck Declan!!



Well done! You were amazing throughout this challenge and it was great doing this together. We have raised over £1,000 so really pleased with that.



Well done x


Aimee Toal

Good luck deccy! You show that pool who’s boss! 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️


Anthont Bryan


Sophie Burnett

Good Luck Deccy!!!


Amanda Boswell


Lynne Berbatiotis

Fantastic challenge and charity to support! Good luck and go smash it Declan x


Michael Wilde


Millie O'hara


Christie Hollinshead

Well done Declan!


Denise Bryan


Matthew Haynes

Good Luck Dec!


Rachel Jones

Good luck, you will smash it! X


Andrew Emsley

Smash the last lengths


Sophie Globe

Good luck Declan!


Jayne Stead

Go Declan you can do it - really great cause you are raising money for🏊🎉


Gemma Wright


Ella Phoenix - King

Declan you’re going to be incredible !! Big slay


Graham Bryab

Good Luck Dec x


Declan Bryan


Blake Emsley


Felicia Hobby

Good luck Declan!!<3


Debra Gath

Good luck Dec x


Kayleigh Burns

Good Luck!


Katie Jackson